Blazer frame off....
Just wondering if anyone has a link, plans, or some pics of a homemade "tub stand" that I can make when I take this Blazer off the frame. I would preferably like to be able to have access to the underside with plenty of space to blast, etc.
And also, have any of you ever had your Blazer tub dipped? Since there is no roof, just wondering how one would go about hoisting it up. If you have pics of where you welded any braces to stiffen the cab for support, please post them.
And if you know of a good place to get body/electrical manuals for 70-72 2 wheel blazers, let me know. I've checked ebay but nothing there. Just the truck shop manual which is general stuff, nothing in depth. Thanks.
1970 Chevrolet Blazer 2 wheel drive - SOLD