Low hump to high hump?
Would like any information available regarding converting a low hump cab to a high hump. I am having little luck finding a high hump 4x4 cab and am contemplating purchasing a low hump and using the doghouse from my current cab.
Current cab is beyond reasonable repair - passenger side door A pillar is rotten from bottom almost all the way to the windshield, plus other common rust through areas.
I imagine that someone has done this before and am looking for any issues/problems encountered, as well as other suggestions.
I have thought about installing a bodylift and just cutting a hole for the T-case shifter, but do not want the gaps from the bodylift.
72 K20 - quote upon getting it home "What did you buy it for if the brakes don't work"
98 Z71, 96 Tacoma + more toys than I can remember