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Old 09-01-2002, 01:35 PM   #4
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Join Date: Feb 2000
Location: Brandon, SD, USA
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oh yeah, i had the blocks undre my pickup so that when the aframes dropped down the tires where still off the ground, and when i let my jack down with the spring, when it was as low as the jack would go the spring was still tight in there, so either get your pickup up real high, which is scary, or put your jack on the forward lip of the aframe, so when it is down all the way, you can pound it towards the center of the pickup, allowing the aframe to come down the rest of the way. i think i know what im saying, but i cant describe things on the computer. good luck anyway, Ben
Brandon, SD
69 GMC 1/2 ton 2wd
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3 on the tree
350 engine 4 bolt main
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