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Old 11-05-2005, 07:01 AM   #1
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Join Date: Oct 2005
Location: Riverside Calif. USA
Posts: 29
Gals and their trucks !

Last week while on vacation,I was visiting a few friends in Houston Tx. (cypress) And since they knew I was into early model Chevy p.u.s They had to take me around to show me some of the local auto shops that build trucks etc. Also we had to hit a few local friday/sat. night car hop hangouts. It was more then I expected. Anyway we drove up to a house in a neighborhood,and I was surprized to find. Behind the house in a 2 car garage. A nice 1971 Chevy p.u. LS-6 show truck. about 80% done. Also siting there was a 1935 and 1957 p.u. both nice drivers. Even though it was a small shop (2 car),it was nice. But what surprized me the most was. We were standing there talking to a gal in the shop and I was wondering were the guy was that built these trucks. When my friend started laffing. He said that she was the owner /builder. WoW ! Here you got about a 32 year old single gal. 125lb maybe. Who is a Doctor and as a hobby spends her free time building trucks from the ground up by her self behind her house. My friend said shes done a few nice ones. She does it all. Everything but the engine machine work,painting. After I got back home,I got to wondering just how many gals there are out there,building trucks too ! If you are a gal and do give us some input.
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