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Old 11-07-2005, 08:49 PM   #4
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Re: 69... Small Back Window???

Not sure about the vin etc but 67 and 68 have a emergency brake handle that pulls out from under the steering column. To tell a 67 from a 68 , if it has the orginal doors, the vent windows will NOT have locks on them. On most 67/68 have a choke pull on the dash. The 3 gauge is the standard dash.To tell the frame 67 don't have a dimple where the steering box mounts( for P/S box) also i have seen a few 68 without also.
To be honest with the parts swapping ability of the 67-72 it takes some work to figure out what year parts make up the truck.
Find the vin on the frame and match it up to the vin on the cab but with rivets being easy to buy, it just eans that the vin tag matches the frame!
Good luck
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