Re: Oddball ID number
What happend to my picture I posted? It's not showing tonight. Did it get lost when I went back and edited the post?
"20" vs. "D" sources: 1968 & 1969 GMC Service manuals (pictures), 1969 GMC Part Book X-169001 (example and explanation), 1972 GMC Parts Book X-172001 (example and explanation),
X-171009 GMC Part Book for 2T trucks (example and explanation); That's 5 manuals. Trust me ye of little faith!
GMC Pauls is wrong...
Yeah know, it is a *technicallity*. No matter how one decodes it, techinically correct, or blisfully ignorant, you end up with the same thing: a 3/4T fleetside pickup! But it would be nice to set the record straight for the history books.
I don't believe Chevrolet ever code a real-life VIN like KM1090DKPC1226A where the FULL Model number is included. Did you copy that from something? For USA and Canada, they have always been like CS147Z10001 and CS147110001. Do you have any pictures or manuals like showing that for Chevrolet??? That's what the Parts Books are showing.
Yeah I've got that same 67 Canadian 910-930 Owners Manual also showing that also. The 1968 910-930 lists it as the same, but the ones that have been posted on the board have been like C9S147110001! The Oshawa Parts Book lists it like that also. I conclude based on the boards pictures and the Oshawa Parts book that the drivers manual example is bogus. I mean it's in the manual, but not ever in real life.
Heh! I didn't catch that with the P. Looking in the books here the 1968 lists the P while the 1969 manual doesn't! Oooops! Human errors. Heck after reading and re-reading my posts before submitting them, I don't even know what I wrote sometimes!
The "T" code is for New York 2Tons (IIRC w/o looking it up).
About that prefix code, I saw that in the Blue Assembly manual also, but me thinks that is more of "stuff" that never made it into production use. All the 1970 VINs on the board and ebay ALWAYS have it in the middle of the VIN. One of those prefixes is for a P step van model IIRC. I thought about that too for 1972 VINs. I don't think it ever hit the streets like that. I take that style with a grain of salt.
I saw that also about the 1970 use of A & Z for half-ton/three-quarter ton stuff and it makes me scratch my head, sigh and say ughhhh. That takes a lot of time to verify on ebay or on the board!!!!! It could be true.
I will repost the picture again for others.
Does your ORIGINAL factory assembly manual cover anything about the VIN? Mine doesn't.
72 Chev C-10 90% restored (former AZ truck) ...
71 Chev K-20 Cheyenne my vacation crusier...
72 Chev C-10 Now retired and striped after many faithful miles...
72 GMC 1500 Retired to the junk yard after bought new in '71...