Re: Oddball ID number
In the original assembly manual it's suppose to be on pages B8 and B9 in section UPC O, right at the beginning..I have it listed in my index..but I dont have the page in my original assembly manual. I do have the B8 and B9 pages in the typical reprint assembly manual...about 3/4 inch from the back it lists a variety if vin decode pages there...but nothing 67 or 68 like the styles were talking. It does say on the page that option Z74 is a Pennsylvania thing like the Z55. The option exist..but they're not listed in an option list in any of my books.....must be like the Canadian Equipped option I figure...just specific combination of options to make it comply with some state or federal compliance.
I dont know what happened to your original posted pic it linked from elsewhere and not board hosted?