Brief back ground..... Back in August I gave up being a meat cutter for Publix Supermarkets, Due to , One, A$$holes in management, and Two, My ribs were breaking from the sheer amount of weight I was having to lift. I was put over a new program called "Aprons Simple Meals" as a "Meals Specialist". I am over the program in my store and am responsible for 4 other stores in my district.
You can get a little better Idea of what I do by going to and then clicking on the "Aprons Simple Meals" tab.
That said, Ive had a couple girls from VSU come and ask me to speak and prepare an Italian dish at an "International" cooking class they are hosting at the college.
Im making a "Bruschetta Fresca". Heres my problem, I cant find any "history" on the dish, where it came from, different ways to make it etc...Can anyone direct me somewhere that would have this information???
Any help is appreciated!!