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Old 11-08-2005, 01:52 PM   #13
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Re: 69... Small Back Window???

Originally Posted by bigstoys
...stuff deleted...

if the truck is registered as a 69' should we change it over to a 67' how does dmv classify a vehicle? by its cab or frame?
Let me answer that.
Yes. The DMV classifies a vehicle by its cab or its frame.

I have a "C" body mounted on a "K" frame. The person who did this went to the Wyoming equivalent of the DMV and said,
"Look here. I built this truck. Here are the titles of the two vehicles I started with. Lets register it."

In Wyoming the DMV guy looks at the vehicle, sees the obvious hubs sticking out, and says, "Lets go with the K VIN number. Here's your title."

So he sells it to a lady. She legally transfers the title. Then she sells it to my friend and he legally transfers the title. All in Wyoming.

1994 rolls around and I want a truck. My friend says he wants something other than this 1970 cab mounted on a 1971 4x4 chassis. I say sold and we proceed to drag it 1000 miles to Minnesota.

We go to the DMV here. The lady behind the counter just about craps on herself and starts thinking we are common car theives.

Thankfully my friend kept the records. Some kind lady in the WY DMV sent us copies of all the titles registered for the two VIN numbers in their state. None of them turned up stolen. And I could point out to the DMV guy where the cab matched the "C" VIN and the frame matched the "K" frame. They finally re-issued me a MN VIN number, exactly the same as the "C" number. In MN they don't care that the truck is obviously a "K" truck. They only care what the VIN on the cab says. Even if you can't see the VIN unless you open the door.

To make a long story short. Call YOUR DMV and ask YOUR DMV what they want.
'70 cab, '71 chassis, 383, TH350, NP205.
'71 Malibu convertible
'72 Malibu hard top
Center City, MN
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