Re: Dana44 gear swap
To do it correctly will be time consuming. You would need dial indicators, bearing pullers, seal pullers.
You need to be sure to set your back lash and side lash correctly to not wear your ring and pinion out prematurely or have a horrific hum from you frontend.
uninstall is easy and self explanatory.
Install is where you need to mark the pinon and ring gears with a chaulk of paint pen to you can set where the 2 will mesh at.
you don't want to far out on the gear or to far in and you don't want to much or to little contact on the gear also..
I know theier are more knowledged people then me on this subject..
So if any help for ya I am TTT'ing this
Last edited by drink2mny; 11-13-2005 at 09:33 PM.