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Old 09-02-2002, 11:03 PM   #1
Finally a Bulldawg
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Join Date: Apr 2001
Location: Athens, Georgia
Posts: 220
307 heads: what can you tell me?

Ok, I've been going through this in my mind and I just need some more numbers to help me. I want to work on the heads on my truck and am considering three options, the cheaper the better. Option 1:Port the stock 307 heads and put swirreled valves and new springs. Option 2:Port 77 305 2bbl heads and the valve/spring thing. Option 3:get World Products Torquer S/R 305s. Keeping in mind that I'll have headers and a new cam in when I get ready to assemble. Now I can do the first two for less than half the price of option 3. Since I'm a poor college student, the first two options are the ones I'm leaning towards the most. But I need to know as much as I can about the 305 heads as well as the 307 heads. I need to know valve size, combustion chamber size, flow numbers if anyone knows, etc. If no one knows then maybe someone could point me in the right direction to finding out. Like I said, the Torquer S/R's are a last ditch option, so I'd really like to know which of the first two options would be best. Thanks.
Ah yes, the college life. School all morning, work all night, study when ya can. Uh...
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