Re: Moving sale - parts for sale
Requested pics of the Blazer pass door and the radio dedete (comes with clips)
nu2-72 gets the aux batt tray
da-burb - 1st in line for the 71 and 72 doors, steering box
72 Cheyenne k20 - behind da-burb for the steering box. I may have a tail light harness - I'll look this weekend.
Heavy D 2nd for the 72 doors
byrd - 2nd for the 71 doors
Heavy k20 3rd in line for the 72 doors
decade 22 tes - 1st for the radio delete
Chevyguy72 2nd for the radio delete, 4th for the 72 doors
Shelby - I don't currently have a dash for sale.
D.Passmore - 1st for the RH Blazer door - it's off of a 71.
Keep me posted on your decisions. If you're 1st in line, please get back to me so the others aren't waiting too long.
Any other questions, please ask!
Thank you,