Originally Posted by 84 PUMPKIN
I'd have to agree with bigblock73.
I purchased their 81-91 dash and was very disappointed. Sold it to a local guy instead of sending it back because the return shipping was at MY cost. Went to the local GM dealer and bought one there. It's 100% better.
The dash from DD looked like it was trimmed with a chainsaw. The edges were terrible and the VIN cutout area was especially rough. I compared the DD dash and the GM dash side by side and they seemed to be made out of different materials. The genuine GM dash looks like some sort of vinyl material with a soft backing. The DD dash looked like some sort of rubber (urethane?) material and was firm to the touch. I don't have a clue how they fit because I didn't try it after I saw how it looked.
Same here, it just didn't have the "authinticity" that you can find in the original, I didn't have a bubble problem, but the clips were all off a 1/4 inch or so this way and that, what a pain, I chalked it up to a loss and sold it to some high school kid for his rat truck.