Re: Dashes Direct 73-87 Dashes - wanting feedback
Not too long ago I picked up an '86 C30 that had some cosmetic restoration done, including a new dash pad. Looking through the bills from the previous owner the dash was from Dashes Direct. It wasn't long before before I noticed the dash pad was raised up on both ends and didn't lay exactly flat along the windshield like it should. Then I made the mistake of removing it to see what might be the problem, something under the pad or not installed correctly. Nothing wrong the pad just didn't lay right. Like to never got it back on like it was. Since this was not very attractive I removed it again and installed a cracked stock pad and placed a Coverlay cover over it. Went right in, layed flat and looked like it just came from GM. I sold the other pad, the guy who bought it had no problem with it being "different". Recently sold the truck. The Coverlay was about $80. No idea why that pad was like that. I have used Coverlays more than once with great results and I like the price.
Good luck.