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Old 11-24-2005, 03:17 AM   #33
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Location: Grand Junction, Colorado
Posts: 610
Re: How to lower my ride? Please help a newbie.

los...nice to see a german truck owner on the board! I spent 3.5 years in your country when i was in the army in the mid to late 80's. Back then it
was still east and west....but i really miss the foood and great beer your
country has. When i was there i had a 69 chevelle and i was a member of
a german/american car club in frankfurt. Unfortunately my chevelle never made it home to the states. Coming home from frankfurt one night i spun
out on the offramp going to hanau and put her on her roof. I ended up
giving her to a sgt. i new who was restoring a 69 el she's still
over there somewhere to the best of my knowledge.

Maybe you can help me. I'd like to find an old issue of chrome flammen would i go about that? I think it would be a 88-89 issue.
Spent my last two years in weisbaden and i had a german friend who's camero
made it in that magazine...was thinking since he was a polezi i might be able
to find his name in the magazine and find him again.

Doug Wright.

PS...i have a 77 and a 79 K5 in the back yard...if you need small parts let me know and i'll take care of you...
Doug Wright aka K5NUTT over
Owner of
Certified K5 Nut
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