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Old 11-24-2005, 09:05 AM   #14
mike nutt
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Join Date: Oct 2005
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Re: progress pictures

maybe this will answer a few questions,the reason this truck is so heavily modified, the only thing left of the original truck once i got ride of the rotten body and the worn out and hacked up suspension, all i had left was frame so i decided to build a custom truck. the two cabs i used came from djracer and the rest from from '69 long stepside(have great set of stepside fenders and useable tailgate left over)and the complete suspension from '85.for the questions, the inner fenders were trimmed to clear the 3" z'd frame, the trailing x-member was flipped to less'in the angle of the axle end of the trailing arm with the 6" drop in the rear, not nessicary but looks better to me. worked out fine just had to redrill a few holes.also added 4" rings to run exaust trough.the panard bar came in a kit from early classic enterprice,awsome stuff. as far as the engine it is a hot little 396 backed by th400 with 2800 stall rear gears 411. i had to custom build motor mounts to lower engine almost 2"and fabbed trans mount to raise trans 1.5" ,the motor and trans has been in the truck fits great. with all the changes, i am mocking every thing up to make sure there are no problems later. comments and sugestions welcome. i'll post more pics with more progress. thanks.
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