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Old 11-26-2005, 04:46 PM   #24
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Re: transmission question

84 Pumpkin---Just a tad bit cynical, aren't you? Put any darn thing you want under the body of the truck, I did what I wanted to and I cover a lot of ground with mine. I have driven all over the country and it was worth the change. You want a city street basher or a hay hauler the NON-overdrive trannys will work. Salvage yards are full of them for just a few bucks. I happen to have a garage full of the 700R4s and I like the ability to leave the line first and then cruise home at lower RPMs. I also built my truck to gobble up Mustangs and even some Camaros for entertainment. Creativity is just a figament of our minds....and Dude you seem to dislike ours. Just what is your vision of what we should do on this thread for fun?

Last edited by piecesparts; 11-26-2005 at 04:52 PM.
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