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Old 11-26-2005, 10:21 PM   #25
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Re: transmission question

Originally Posted by piecesparts
84 Pumpkin---Just a tad bit cynical, aren't you? Put any darn thing you want under the body of the truck, I did what I wanted to and I cover a lot of ground with mine. I have driven all over the country and it was worth the change. You want a city street basher or a hay hauler the NON-overdrive trannys will work. Salvage yards are full of them for just a few bucks. I happen to have a garage full of the 700R4s and I like the ability to leave the line first and then cruise home at lower RPMs. I also built my truck to gobble up Mustangs and even some Camaros for entertainment. Creativity is just a figament of our minds....and Dude you seem to dislike ours. Just what is your vision of what we should do on this thread for fun?
Cynical? Not in the least bit. You stated that the 700R4/TH350 swap was a dead issue. I simply disagreed and gave you facts and figures that backed up my claim. I DID put the tranmission I wanted under the body of my truck. I also have vehicles with the TH400, 4L60E, 4L80E, Richmond, and the old reliable Muncie 4 speed so I'm not a TH350 salesman. As a matter of fact the best transmission of them all is the 4L80E in my humble opinion. Eating Mustangs and Camaros is something that I can appreciate. I drag out my blown big block '33 Coupe for those ocassions and enjoy every minute of it. Dude, I have no dislike for your creativity since I have no idea if you have any or not. I also don't have a "fun" vision for this thread. I think the original thread started with "which transmission can I replace my 700R4 with and not do any modifications" ?. The answer is a TH350 with a 9" tailshaft. Although this TH350 is 1/8" shorter than the 700R4 it will bolt right in and work out great. Use your same driveshaft and move the crossmenber and you're all set.

Thank you and God bless

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