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Old 11-26-2005, 11:16 PM   #1
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Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: Maine
Posts: 427

Well, I broke down and finally pulled my truck in the shop to work on it. I took the fuel tank out because it wiped out a brand new fuel pump. It also used fuel filters about every 2 weeks. I pulled the seat out, too, along with the sill plates. And boy, let me tell you, those sill plates hide surprises. The drivers side floorpan is a little rough in the front corner. It need a fair side patch put in. And, the rocker dams weree rusted through on both sides. Its nothing too serious. I didn't want a showpiece truck, anyway. Just something that looked good and went good. I'm getting a new fuel tank for X-mas. Mine was completely rusted on the inside, but looked brand new on the outside. I took the tranny cover off in the cab to look at the tranfer case. It has been apart before, because there s blue goop smeared everywhere where the transfer bolts to the tranny. It could just be a matter of something put together wrong inside it. I painted the floorpans with Rustoleum brown primer. A coat of black Rustoleum is going on on tuesday (53* F!!!!!!!) and maybe a patch for the drivers side floor.

Overall, I really cannot complain. Everytime I start to feel bad, my dad chimes in that the trc is 40 yrs old. Then I realize its in dang good shape for a 68.
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