Thread: electric fan
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Old 11-27-2005, 07:41 AM   #17
see ten
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Re: electric fan

Originally Posted by Neal70C10
Hey See Ten
What is the depth of the fans? I only have about 3.5 inches and the flex-a-lite website says that I need 4 inches to run the 295 model setup. Just trying to see if there was some fudge factor in there. Also is that the mounting bracket that comes with the 295 or did you fab that up yourself? Thanks for any help
I just went outside with a tape and a flashlight and 4" seems to be dead on. We fabbed up the top bracket, but it is pretty simple to build if you have access to some flat stock and a shear. We sheared the stock then welded the two small pieces of angle iron to it. I am sure that there are other ways to go about doing it but this let us bolt it in the factory shroud location. We used some of the universal (fit nothing) brackets that came with the fans to build some bottom brackets. They aren't pretty but they are functional. Oh by the way you can also see in this pic the 108 amp alternator we installed. It's an 84 Corvette item that bolts right on to the factory brackets. We just had to open up the adjustment slot of the top bracket for a larger bolt. I think it was about $89 at Auto Zone and has plenty of amperage to move the fans, run the A/C, lights, wipers and whatever else.

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