Thread: wiring issue ?
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Old 11-28-2005, 02:11 PM   #1
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Question wiring issue ?

I have a full '77 frame and drivetrain on which sits a '54 cab and bed - a project truck for my daughter. I have been re-connecting all the wires using the original '77 wiring harness and fusebox. I have a few wiring diagrams but none so far have been very helpful. I have a few stranded wires without connector ends that were lost when the original cab and bed were removed. Here's my issue. I have the majority of the wires hooked up back to where they were. When I connect a battery directly to the cables I get nothing to work. However, if I use a jumper and hook the battery directly to the Alternator Red wire, leaving the other cable hooked to the frame ground, everything works. What am I missing - any ideas? I do have a long blk/w wht stripe wire that leads from the harness to somewhere in the engine compartment but I have no idea where. Inside the can, on the ignition I have a ppl/wht wire attached to the St on the ignition switch and that wire has a double female connector at the end - my only guess is that it connects to the white plastic male connector on the lower steering column. Anyone have any ideas? I'm also looking for another wiring diagram to see if it helps any.
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