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Old 12-04-2005, 09:44 AM   #35
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Thumbs up Re: Chassis and/or Parts For Sale

I'll work with you on it, but I need a couple of things first please. 1. I'll need a depth measurement from the radiator out to the lip where the fan enters the shroud. If its not on the K5, you can lay it flat on the ground (side that goes against the radiator down), and measure up to the engine side lip for the proper depth measurement. 2. I need the diameter of the opening for the fan at the smallest entry point.

If it's the one that I need I'll be glad to take some $$ off the price of the rear for you. Do you have a front driveshaft in good working condition for a 71/72 K5, K10, K20??


Last edited by 72longbed; 12-04-2005 at 10:47 AM.
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