Thread: Raise Front End
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Old 12-04-2005, 08:17 PM   #1
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Raise Front End

I have a 72 1/2 ton long bed in which I am trying to get a nice even stance. Basicly I would like it have the look of a 4x4 although it is a 2wd. Since the 2wd always rides higher in the back I put in a set of Rancho 6500 Coil springs on the front, that claim to raise the front about 1 1/2". It has a good stance like I want but....Oh man the front is way...way too stiff. The spring pressure is tremedous and it ride worse than a 3/4 ton 4x4. I want the stock spring rate. Does anybody know a company that sells some sort of polyurethane bottom or top that can raise the stock spring about an inch or so. Or any other ideas. I just blew $150 on those hard springs.
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