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Old 12-04-2005, 11:02 PM   #7
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Join Date: Nov 2000
Location: Carver County, Minnesota, USA
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Re: Dark Green Paint codes 70-72

I have a love/hate relationship with my 506 Dark Olive (Metalic) -- just for the reason you stated: too much gold metalic in it.

If you want to keep it factory colors then it is the 506 DarK Olive Metalic or the 505 Dark Green. We had a 505 Dark Green '72 and it was like see ten's picture there.

Since I have owned both greens, I lean towards the Dark Olive as the gold only shows on sunshine days up here in Minnesota. I like the Dark Olive Green much better in terms of "green" then the dark green (non-metallic). In the shade or cloudy days, the olive really looks nice.

Maybe try a shot of the Metalic Dark Olive only have the paint shop put in like half the gold metalic parts and just paint a fendor or door or hood and see how you like it.

72 Chev C-10 90% restored (former AZ truck) ...
71 Chev K-20 Cheyenne my vacation crusier...
72 Chev C-10 Now retired and striped after many faithful miles...
72 GMC 1500 Retired to the junk yard after bought new in '71...
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