Thread: Raise Front End
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Old 12-05-2005, 01:02 AM   #3
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Re: Raise Front End


I wanted to lift the front end of my 72 C20 since I purchased it back in March. I stumbled across AIM Industries in AZ. Take a look:

I ordered a set of 2.5 inch lift springs. From what I understand, anything more than 3 inches drastically changes the geometry of the front end, and puts an excessive amount of strain upon the ball joints.

You also, might want to take a look at their threaded spring collars. As mentioned, going over 3 inches would require new upper control arms, so that the ball joints wouldn't bind.

I have not had a chance to install my springs yet...if you find any other info on raising the front end, please let me know. Good luck.
- Jerry
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