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Old 12-05-2005, 11:11 PM   #11
Longhorn Man
its all about the +6 inches
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Re: Longhorn Options Question

Originally Posted by ChevLoRay
My April 1, 1969 Truck Data Book shows both 6 (CS21034 &CS31034) and 8-cylinder (CE21034 and CS31034) versions of the Longhorn. After that, you have to look at each item of equipment to see what was standard. Beyond that, all of the "normal" options and upgrades were available for the 20 and 30-series trucks, with limitations.

So, even though we tend to think that they were created for the recreational vehicle market, they were basically available as just plain pick ups with longer beds and minimal amenities.

After that, it just cost money to make it like you wanted it to be.
The Longhorn WAS in fact made for the camper market. It is all over the 68 Longhorn books. Yes, there was a CE model, and a CS model, both in one ton and in 3/4 ton, and in base model, they had nothing a normal truck would have...except an extended bed with a wooden floor and H.D. rear springs.
NHo one said they automaticly came with camper options, just that they were generally optioned with more than the typical truck.
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Last edited by Longhorn Man; 12-05-2005 at 11:14 PM. Reason: forgot the pic from the 68 longhorn book
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