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Old 09-08-2002, 01:01 PM   #4
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Yeah, the drag link parts are the same.

Pont, You're using a '77 box?? From what Ive read, the boxes are the same up thru '76. Did it bolt right in?? It would make sense, as it may be unlikely that they would change the box dimensions, from '76 to '77. Wonder what the difference is... I could swear that the boneyard told me thru '76 would fit, when I bought one for my first '72. Seeems that rebuilds, are '71-76 as well...

Interesting that your '67 knockles put the tie rod UNDER the knuckles. My stock '72 Blazer pieces mount on top. Then they went back to under for the '73 up trucks. They kept switching the taper on the knuckles. Perhaps they enjoyed changing their whole machining setup

I don't like the under the knuckle setup, as it puts the tie rod abou two inches closer to the ground, big rocks, logs, etc. Only problem is, Ill have to tear apart BOTH the axle on myt truck, and the 3/4 ton one, at the same time. That'll leave the Blazer outta comission for awhile. Not that it moves much anyway!!


there's about ten different numbers for the tie rod ends. Ball joints and drag link ends are all the same.

Guess Ill be doing some measuring. I tore the 3/4 ton front apart some yesterday, should get it apart today. The steering arm, actually came off with just a few whacks from a small (2lb) hammer!!!!!

I could make a tie rod, with some DOM tubing, and heim joints, I 'spose... Hmmmmmm

Thansk for the answers, guys

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