Yep, it's a 77 box and it bolted up no problem. It is a 2wd box which I need to run for my crossover steering conversion. Far as I can tell, even the box from the 1980 Blazer (where I got my Dana 44) would have worked as well but the pressure hose fittings would have been different than the 74 pump I'm using, and I needed a 2wd box. Seems like everthing went to metric or o-ring style fittings in 1980. Aside from that, I think most parts interchange without much modifications. I also wish my tie-rod was on top of the knuckles. I may try to convert that some day, just for that added clearance you are talking about.
67 Short Fleet 4x4
04 Honda CRF450R
89 Toyota 4-Runner
34 Ford 2 door sedan - Long term project
There is a very fine line between "hobby" and "mental illness"