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Old 12-11-2005, 02:47 AM   #24
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Re: help on 4-wheel drive to 2 wheeler

i've done this swap and not everything bolted up. for starters i have a 72 and i used the front crossmember off a 73. only a few holes lines up. all the others i had to drill. for the rear i removed the leaf springs and all the hardware that attatches them to the frame and bolted in a trailing arm crossmember with trailing arms and rear end attatched. i centered the wheels in the wheelwell, made sure the crossmember was square in the frame and was equal distance from referance points i took off the frame, drilled the holes and attatched it with grade 8 bolts. the coils will not bolt to the frame at all. i realized this but did this swap anyway because i am going to bag the blazer and will notch the frame anyways, so i can place the upper bag mounts where i please. im sure it can be done with coil springs as well. any questions feel free to ask.
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