Thread: van tilt ?
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Old 12-11-2005, 10:22 PM   #18
Bob Moore
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Re: van tilt ?

Dennis - Unfortunatly you will need an intermediate steering shaft. It needs to be from a pre 73 truck as in 73 GM went to larger diameter on the PU column but stayed with the smaller diameter shaft on the vans - who knows why. The vans don't use an intermediate shaft.

Some good news - boardmember Jose had 2 for sale at the last swap meet at a fair price.

This is not a big deal - don't let it upset you. Your column looks very good converted to manual - Bob
67 C-20 LWB, tilt, speed alert,
vac, 454, T400
67 C-10 SWB, factory air with
more to follow
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