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Old 12-12-2005, 12:41 AM   #1
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BB motor mount question

I ahve a 402 in a 71 that I am giving to a freind. He also wants the motor mounts and brackets that bolt to the frame. I just picked up a 454 engine and wonder if I am shooting myself in the foot to provide the mounts with the 402.

Basicly the 402 is a rebuilder and he 454 is not.

Guess I need to know how rare the mounts are and if they will work on the 454 and if regular 350 mounting brakets will also vit the 454?

Soon to be selling all but one, or two... Depends on what the Boss has to say.......

67 GMC Shortbed 454 Project
more junk and most of it
is for sale
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