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Old 12-13-2005, 12:11 AM   #15
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Re: Switching to 5x4 3/4 Lug pattern on a 71'

Originally Posted by Rreemo
Good info Tom, thanks a bunch! Just one other question for you know if the 5x5 pattern Ralleys (like you mentioned above) will accept the smaller disc brake center cap? I want to use the smaller style cap...not the sombrero style.

Thanks again!
Yes. The GM disc brake caps work on these. You can use the bigger '68 and up hats or the smaller and nicer looking '67 style. You can also use the police caps which I have or the ones that wheel companies sell that are the same but without the Chevy bow tie. There are also smooth baby moons, a '49 Chevy cap a '52 Chevy cap and a '56 Chevy cap made for these ralley wheels.

'69 swb stepside in progress.
'59 Corvette lifetime project
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