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Old 12-13-2005, 06:07 PM   #8
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Re: motivation advice needed...

Originally Posted by 67c10step
I sat down and wrote down what I would work on and in what order. You may not follow it to the T as things come up, but at least it gives you a plan.
Then, as you are working and start to check things off the list, it shows how much you have actually accomplished
For the most part, I'm the type of individual that when I start a project like this I get totally immersed in it, and I mean TOTALLY. I have found over the years that this can be good and bad. Good in that I get highly motivated and get a lot of work done in short amount of time, but BAD in that after a while (sometimes a short while) I get totally burned out and can't seem to find the motivation to carry on the project to completion (sorta like you right now). 67c10step and some of the others have hit the nail on the head. You absolutely have to come up with a plan of attack, or plan of action. Do as they say, sit down and write up a list of the things that need to be accomplished. Try to put them in the right order, but you don't have to be tied to that. Next, plan on a "realistic" amount of time to accomplish each of the task you have written down. Don't be afraid to deviate from the plan if you need to, and, ABOVE ALL, if you need to take a break, take it! Don't feel that you are tied to the project. In fact, it's good to take frequent breaks. It helps to rejuvinate the juices, so to speak. Good luck with your project, and now that I've said all of this, I hope I can follow my own advice.

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