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Old 12-14-2005, 03:56 AM   #18
Until Seventy Times Seven
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Re: motivation advice needed...

With the amount of work guys like you put into frame-offs or for that matter any large undertaking, it can be overwhelming. You need to give yourself more credit for the amount of mods that you've done so far. At least, you're well on your way...

Good advice on what the others have said. Along with a plan (of action), puting a reasonable timeline on each task may help keep the focus and give you an expection of when it will or should be completed (or near completion).

BTW, would bringing in Paul, Sr. or Boyd's shop manager help to motivate you?
1983 C10 SWB Fleetside

When two halves is gone, there's nuthin left. Two nothings is nuthin. That's mathematics son.
You can argue with me but you can't argue with figures. Two half nothings is a whole nuthin...
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