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Old 09-09-2002, 11:16 PM   #10
Fred T
Cantankerous Geezer
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On the frame dip, I would remove anything that is bolted on. I wouldn't drill out rivets on anything that doesn't have to come off.

On the cab removal, first strip the cab of seats, doors, glass, steering column, etc to lighten the load. Then you have some options. Four guys can then lift it. It can be raised with a floor jack and a large piece of plywood to spread out the load as much as possible. The cab can be lifted with a hoist if you use a spreader bar and tie into the door hinges and latch bolt holes. A friend and I put the cab back on his 52 using a floor jack and blocks. We had to sit the cab on blocks on the frame to move the jack around the crossmembers, but it only took one of us to run the jack, the other to steady the cab.

There is no such thing as too much cam...just not enough engine.
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