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Old 12-17-2005, 01:06 AM   #5
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Re: ps right direction??

most likely the steering box is a typical saginaw box which GM uses. the kit is not all thet hard to install as i put on on my 54 i sold last year. But as for myself i wouldnt do it again, dont get me wrong its nice to have p/s, i did install a steering stablizing shock cuz of the real quick steering and lots or roll around corners which i didnt like.should have a swaybar mounted but i didnt see of any kits on the market at the time i installed the kit. another thing to me the box should have been mounted lower on the frame, cuz of the draglink angle, at times hitting hard while going over a pothole but then thars typical on Pa roads. when i get the money up to get my 81 i just bought together on the road im gonna look for another 50's truck, and im gonna mat up a new column to the older factory box and try what another board member had told what back in the day they would shorten the stock pitman arm to get easier steering or just subframe it, again poeple do what they want w/ their own vehiclesbu either way hope it works out w/ whatever you decide to do main thing is think of safety

I don't do thing cuz I can, I do it cuz someone told me it couldn't be done...
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