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Old 12-20-2005, 11:08 AM   #1
Did someone say MUD?
784X4GUY's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2003
Location: Pullman,WA
Posts: 1,089
Its been awhile...

Well everyone just wanted to drop a quick note and say hey to everyone. Since i've gotten into the truckin buisness its been real busy as of late but thats all the more money to put back into the truck. Well since last time i've sold ole blue and am in the market for a big and better one. I'm finally living in bellevue,wa but fiance is going to school at wsu so ill be moving to pullman,wa in 2 weeks. If anyone lives out that way maybe we could get together and talk trucks. Also if anyone close has got a new model 82-up k20-30 please give me a hollar. Well everyone if i dont get a chance to write for awhile....Everyone have a merry christmas and happy new year......Later....Mike
Im in the market keep ya eyes peeled

Mini trucks are for guys who cant get it up!
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