Thread: 54 panel truck
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Old 12-21-2005, 09:01 PM   #1
3100 special
Street Rod Dreamin'
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54 panel truck

I haven't posted much over here so, I thought I'd do a little update for those interrested.
Found a Ford 9-inch rear end for the project yesterday. The guy said it came out of a 71-73 Mustang. Although he said the car had a 351 engine, the rear appears to be a 28 spline. I’ll know for sure after I pull the axles…but, I’m pretty sure. I couldn't help but notice that the nut that the ID tag should have been under had been removed and replaced. Tag missing. All other bolts hadn't been moved in years. Have to wonder what was going on with that. Didn't notice at the time I picked it up. It was getting dark quickly.

I was able to get as far as pulling the drums off today. That was no small task being that it had been setting up for a while.
Anything can be beaten into submission if you use the right hammer!!!

Last Thursday, I placed the order for the IFS. I went with:
Didn't order their swaybar though. Saved a few bucks by ordering the CPP bar. Ordered the IFS through CPP and saved a few hundred due to a sale. It came with the power assist upgrade and the transmission mount at no additional cost AND.....
That by itself is worth a couple of pennies.
Went ahead and also order the firewall mounted disc/drum booster/master cylinder with pedal assembly.

I'm going to be ready for better weather to come soon. Glad I live in the south...shouldn't have to wait too long!
Can't do too much in the garage and keep piece in the home. The wife does her clothes washing out there and the sanding and grinding leaves too much residue......what can you do?
I chose to pick my battles more carefully the older I get!
The camera is fixed now so, I'll take some shots when the parts get in.
1954 Chevy 3100 Panel Truck
2004 GMC Yukon
2007 GMC Sierra 4X4
"I am for doing good to the poor, but I differ in opinion of the means. I think the best way of doing good to the poor, is not making them easy in poverty, but leading or driving them out of it."
Benjamin Franklin, On the Price of Corn and Management of the Poor, November 1776
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