well i took my 72 2wd blazer to the scrap yard today
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12-23-2005, 06:25 PM
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Join Date: Nov 2005
Location: ILLINOIS
Posts: 145
Re: well i took my 72 2wd blazer to the scrap yard today
Most of the aluminum after market radiators I have seen come with the NASCAR 4 fins per inch meaning they leave a BIG air gap between fins so when your going 220 MPH the air dont blow the core out, myself I use the high efficiency brass core radiators that have about 15 fins per inch and transfer MORE heat at 0 to 70 MPH than the fancy smancy "aluminum racing radiators" do, a good friend of mine spent about 1000 BUX trying to cool his blown BB 57 Chevy but once he went to the 4 core brass radiator all his cooling problems went away, think he got 200 bux for his $750.00 aluminum radiator, the aluminum radiator would have probably been ok for a normally aspirated SB engine.
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