Originally Posted by BubbaGreen
check out www.usradiator.com, you might be surprised what you can find.
Aluminum rads are excellent for racers, but you may only get a couple of years out of them in a driver (due to the expansion/contraction and stress between the fins and the tanks).
Cool thanks for the link, its nice to see a vendor that shows their math and does not rely on customer hype to prove a point.
"We've learned, for example, that core design has more bearing on temperature drop than material (copper- brass verses aluminum). We've also learned that 2 rows of 1-1/4" aluminum tubes had only a 3-degree advantage over 4-rows of 1/2" brass tubes at 65 m.p.h and a 2-degree disadvantage at idle. Given the added core thickness of the aluminum radiator we had expected a greater temperature drop...but, it wasn't there."
"Our test of similar core designs proves conclusively that aluminum radiators offer no real temperature drop advantage over copper and brass. On the other hand, aluminum radiators weigh about 2/3rds as much as copper and brass units and if your racing, that 9 to 12 pound difference could be real important."
Thanks again.