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Old 12-24-2005, 03:36 PM   #8
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Re: BIGTIME Prob.!!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by Heavy-Chevy
I knew I could count on you guys!!!
We use for pulling a cattle trailer & Live weight moves.What is the best way to check the rear brakes and adjust them?.Should you clean or replace the calipers?

Does your trailer have brakes?

I'd lean toward the calipers to but check the rear brakes.

To do that you jack the rear up, pull the tires and drums and see what condition they are in and if they are installed backwards. They need to be installed small shoe to the front large to the rear. To adjust them there is a little rubber plug on the backing plate you can use a brake adjuster tool on or a small screw driver, you move the little wheel on the adjuster with the screw driver. When it clicks your going tighter spreading the shoes apart. If it doesent move your going the wrong way. With at least the drums on spin the wheel/drum and adjust them. Do this until you hear contact between the shoe and drum and you get slight resistance. Do this to both sides and try to get an equal amount of resistance. After you have done this push the brake pedal, then the depress E-brake and release, note how many clicks until it stops. You want 5 or less clicks but you can fine tune that latter by adjusting the cable. Check the rear wheels again for resistance sometimes it will change if it does re adjust them like before. After your finsihed with these adjustments take the truck out and slowly back up and slowly apply the E-Brake. Do this a few times and your set. If you still donot have the proper amount of clicks on the E-brake for the truck to stop just on the rear brakes crawl under the truck and locate the cable adjusment, tighten the screw a couple threads at a time to set the E-Brake pedel.
1976 Custom Deluxe SWB Med FMB.3/4 Drop.
Gen VI 454, Muncie HD 3 speed With Modified OE Hurst Shifter, 3.73 12 bolt, GMPP HO roller cam, Hooker headers, Performer intake with modified Q-jet, Accel distributor. Best 1/4 12.3 @108. Funnest run 19.84 @88 full 1/4 mile burn out.
1997 K1500 ext cab 5.7 stock except muffler

Last edited by SSC's76; 12-24-2005 at 03:37 PM.
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