Re: Brake booster problems
Ok a little progress report. I swapped the front calipers out with another set. Bled them out twice. Removed the brake rod and gave it about 3 full turns to make it longer. The upper rod & clevis running into the booster is now a little closer to the firewall.
The bleeding method I used was a hand held Mighty-vac pump since I'm a one-man show here. I pumped it up to 20+ lbs and opened the bleeders, getting clear fuild on both. Drove it down the block and still have a hard pedal and VERY little stopping power. The throw on the pedal from top is now about 2 inches. Suggestions anyone?
Also... I pulled the rubber cover from the reset button on the front of the P-block. The button itself is stuck down. Does anyone know how to get this to release and pop back out?