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Old 09-12-2002, 08:57 PM   #18
Paul Clark
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Join Date: Apr 2002
Location: Center Point, IA
Posts: 502
Race gas is cool. I have to use it in the GN to eliminate knock. More octane than what you really need, however, will actually hurt horsepower. Something about the temp needed for detonation or something.
Lowering air pressure in radial tires will actually hurt traction, rather than helping it. Don't know why.
Make sure your detent (sp?) cable is adjusted correctly.
Go to the track. 70 miles is a nice cruise. When you get there the tech people will make sure both vehicles are up to snuff. You'll have a prepared track, a Christmas tree to insure an even launch, and a time slip to eliminate any arguments over who really won.
Pick a "test and tune" day/night and you can run as many times as you want.
You'll also avoid a head on collision with myself or my wife. Or someone or someone's.
No cops.
Kick butt - but do it where you should. That's why they call them race tracks.
End of sermonette.
Good luck!
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