Re: 1984 Chevy C-10 Pick Up Hard To Start and Stop Engine
Hard start----choking the engine to much will cause it to start and then die, due to not enough air through the carb. The fact that it dies, also can be attributed to the idle speed not high enough. You having to let it warm up before moving it, could again be tied to the choke setting being to much. The starting and the dieseling could be tied to the timing of the motor. Do you have a timing light? If so, what did you set your timing at, and did you set it with the distributor vacuum line removed. Are you still using the computer distributor, or has it been changed out for an earlier HEI distributor? The computer controlled distributor has a plug that needs to be unplugged to time the motor and in most cases it will not adjust past the recommended setting very well. I'm betting your timing is the major problem here.
If you are running an HEI or an aftermarket distributor that does not have the computer connected, then check to see if your timing is around 8 to 10 degrees BTDC and then connect the vacuum line and the timing setting will change. If the setting doesn't change then your distributor vacuum pull-off or the weights inside are bad or hanging up.