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Old 01-03-2006, 10:01 PM   #6
Longhorn Man
its all about the +6 inches
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Re: Is it or is it not a Longhorn?? HELP!!!

tnblazerk5, thanks.
ElectraGlide, you do not have a Longhorn. You have a one ton stepside truck. All longhorns were 133 inch wheel base fleetside trucks, no stepsides.
A longhorn's bed is 8 1/2 feet, yours is a 9 foot.
There IS a following for the 9 foot step, however, it is a very small group.
Please take a look at my site, on the first page, it will give you the model numbers to confirm if it is or isn't a longhorn.
However, you could get that 67 one ton, and locate a longhorn bed, fill in the side markers on the bed, and make a one off 67 Longhorn.... the bed would bolt right on, and you'd throw quite a few ppl for a loop, however, it would be wrong to try and pass it off as a real one. There's plenty of people who swear up and down there is no such thing as a 68 longhorn, but they did in fact start production on March 11th or 68.
Do you have any pics of this one ton stepside?
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