Couldn't find the emblim.

I know I have it around somewhere. My console was from a chevy and I'm making my truck look like a GMC, so i bought the needed badge.
Somethign you'll want to do is make a cover for the gas tank. If you have a CST.Cheyenne, you should already have a card board cover, but that'll look like crap too though. Run to wall mart or a parts store and look by the floor mat/seat cover section. They normally have rolls of automotive grade carpet. You'll have to trim it a bit, but you can hang it from the wall over the fuel tank. I used my 1/4 inch impact and self tapping hex headed screws, and folded the carpet so the screws are hudden from view. (think of it like, I put the carpet side against the metal, ran the screws in from the carpeting's back side up into the metal, then let the carpet hang) It looks like it is supposed to be there.
Then, with the carpet scraps, I cut out a piece to fit inside the console so my junk wouldn't make so much noise in there.

Also... i can't recall if 76 would have cup holders, or seatbelt holders.... if it is the former, then go to the junk yard, and locate an old van with lap belts. (still somewhat common in the yards) and look on the side of the seat down low. You'll see rubber seat belt buckle holders. I mounted mine on the side of the console. Works great, and I still have a place to put my bottle of dew when i drive, and my cell phone fits in the middle hole.
I need to run power to the console so i can put a light in it that turns on when opened, and once I do that, I'll probably mount a cigar lighter in the front cacing the dash, won't be able to see it, but I'll have a place to plug in my cell phone charger or what ever else I may want to plug in, while leaving my in dash one alone.