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Old 09-14-2002, 03:03 PM   #1
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Question Upper Ball Joints

Working on rebuilding a 72 K10 that I got a little over a year ago and have come to a problem. When working on the upper ball joints there is a threaded sleeve that is down in the knuckle that is smooth with the surface but has 4 divits in it like the nuts that hold the hub on. The new ball joint that I got gives the part number of C-4169 for the tool to remove and replace them, but nobody knows what kind of part number it is. I got the ball joint from NAPA. I need to get these out to get the upper ball joints out. Does anybody know what I am talking about? Where to get the tool? Or another way to get them out and get the new ones back in?

I am also going to replace the tie rod ends on this truck and have been looking around a prices and have found them for as much as $75 at NAPA and as cheep as $20 at LMC truck. Can any body tell me the difference between the qualities of these parts?

1972 K10 350
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