Re: Power brake booster question
Thanks a lot guys, you've been very helpful. I didn't think that it would make a difference but sometimes when somebody is selling a booster people will ask if it is from a 1/2 ton, 3/4 ton, 1 ton, and so on. I always wondered why people asked that question. I guess I can kind of see why because if a 3/4 ton booster is rated for a heavier hauling load you probably wouldn't want to put in a booster rated for a 1/2 ton, for example. That is if that is a valid point of course, but I don't see the harm in putting a 3/4 ton booster in a 1/2 ton as long as it is compatible or could be made compatible.
Got rid of my projects for now.
1980 Jeep CJ7
1998 Nissan Sentra (my car)
2001 Toyota Sienna (wife's, of course)