Originally Posted by VetteVet
Ok if you measured the voltage at the battery terminals then it's the battery low which is confirmed by the boost you did got the truck going. I don't mean any offense but have you taken the Battery terminals off and cleaned them?
I ask because I have seen bad connections on battery terminals with no corrosion present and when cleaned and tightened the problem was solved. If you have not already done so, take the terminals off and clean them and also the cables. With the cable ends off and the battery terminals cleaned then check the voltage. If you get low voltage still, then I would try charging the battery or taking it to a shop and having it tested,could be a dead cell. Please don't be offended if you have already done these things but you did not give me many details on your attempts to fix your problems.
MDC if you check the post time above your user name you will see our posts are only a few minutes apart so you are still good and not a parrot.LOL
hehe, no offense taken. I appreciate you trying to help me! I did clean the terminals, and the batt. wires are also brand new. I replaced the 6ga wires with 4ga wires about a month ago. I've had a charger on it for about 2 hours. Just cranked it right up. I again checked the voltage at the battery and it was 11.64 volts. I'm going to pull the batt and take it down to the local parts store and have them put a load on it to chk the cell. Will report back shortly. Good thing this isn't my DD!! I took a good look at the starter as well and it too looks quite new. Please let me know if there's any additional info you need to help me diagnose. Thanks again!