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Old 09-15-2002, 12:46 AM   #2
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i dont know how or why but some of the 71 72 trucks have same center link as the 64-70 trucks(except with ram linkage p/s basically) i have seen both large hole links and small hole links on 71 72 trucks, differenc emay be if with p/s or not

71 72 lower ball joints are same as 73-87 ones, and uppers changed in 71 and yet again in 73

you also need 73-up hoses or at least year of hoses for the year calipeors you are using because 73-up hoses pass through the framwe rails and 71 72 pass under frame rails and are tons shorter hoses. i prefer the 73-up style alot more and holes for thme already exist in our frames.

happy swapping
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